Putting Out Fires While You’re On Fire

Sep 19, 2024

Managing a group of employees is not an easy task, especially when you’ve got your own damn issues. Let's face it other people's problems can be very exhausting and as a leader, your employees look to you for guidance when things are chaotic in their own personal life. Here are five ways to lead others when you're barely holding it together.

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

Something very important to remember is when personal stress is high, you don’t have the bandwidth to-do everything. When i worked as a therapist, people suffered severe mental pain simply from not being able to complete their growing to-do list. This pain creates feelings of failure and worthlessness. Create a trusted team of employees to help you get your tasks completed on that never ending to- do list. Delegation isn’t a sign of weakness—it's a strategy. Learn to empower others to lead parts of the task, this allows you to create breathing room to focus on your well-being.

Set Boundaries with Time and Energy.

There comes a time where you have to draw the line. A few people care to respect other's personal times and boundaries unless they know your boundaries.  Being a leader doesn’t mean being available 24/7. Learn to set clear boundaries for your availability, and protect your personal time. When you set that time, you create the space to manage your stress without being overwhelmed by other people's constant demands. Most importantly, teach them to respect those boundaries by enforcing it for yourself.

Focus on the Greater Good

When issues arise in the workplace everyone turns to the leader, it’s easy to get caught up in the small details of an issue. Guide your employees to focus on the big-picture so they learn to make decisions without needing your input on every little problem. Keep communication open while empowering them to use better problem solving skills.


It is no big secret we all experience human suffering. It’s okay to let your employees know you’re dealing with personal challenges. Being honest, without oversharing, can create a supportive work environment. You may find that your employees are likely to step up when they see you handling stress with grace openly. 

Prioritize Self-Care

No one is going to do it for you. Even scarier, time may never allow it. In order to have those moments, you have to create it. Make time for self-care, whether it’s a short walk, meditation, or stepping away from the chaos to decompress. Taking care of yourself is critical to staying grounded and being able to handle both your problems and your team’s effectively. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Managing people when you’ve got your own struggles is not for the weak, but with the right strategies in place, you can lead with resilience when life feels overwhelming.To learn more on how to incorporate better mental wellness strategies into your workplace and everyday living, click here to schedule a free 30 minute consultation. 

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